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Nutella truffles

Sarah Rainey

My name is Sarah and I am a Nutella addict. There. I said it. I could eat Nutella on EVERYTHING - on toast, in sandwiches, in my coffee, drizzled over my cereal in the morning... I really think I have a bit of a problem.

When it comes to three ingredient baking, Nutella is a saviour. It's got so much going for it - a chocolatey, hazelnutty flavour, a nice thick texture, the ability to melt to a liquid or bake into a solid mass of deliciousness. You might spot a bit of a theme in some of these recipes.

But back to truffles. I got my sister to experiment with this recipe for a Christmas party last year and oh MY is it good. The best part is how versatile it is - you can use whatever biscuits you want and whatever type of chocolate you like, and you'll still get yummy, crunchy, Nutella-flavoured truffles. Perfect for lazy Sunday baking. They look good, too, so you could even give them away as presents... if you don't eat them all first.

Makes 16 truffles


12 Bourbon biscuits (or any other cream-filled sandwich biscuits, such as Oreo cookies or even custard creams)

4 tablespoons Nutella

200g white chocolate


Put the Bourbons in a food processor and blitz until they turn to crumbs. It may take a few goes here - I have to switch the processor off and jiggle the spoon around a bit between pulses - as the creamy middle sometimes jams the blade. A few lumps are OK though - they'll give your truffles a nice crunch.

Add the Nutella to the food processor and keep blitzing until the mixture comes together into a ball. If it's still a little gooey, try putting it in the fridge before doing the next stage.

Tip the mixture into a bowl and, using slightly-damp hands and a pair of teaspoons, shape it into small balls - around the size of 50p pieces - and space out on a plate. Don't worry if they look a little messy... you can neaten them up once they've set.

Refrigerate the truffles for at least an hour until they harden.

Ten minutes before taking them out of the fridge, break the chocolate into pieces and melt it - either in a Pyrex dish over a pan of boiling water, or in a microwaveable bowl, in 20-second bursts. Let it cool - you need it to be about room temperature.

Prepare a flat surface by covering it with greaseproof paper (I use a chopping board).

Neaten up the truffles and, using a fork, dip each one in the melted chocolate a few times until it's completely coated and lay it on the board to set. You'll have to move quite quickly here - the truffles have a tendency to melt into the chocolate, which will make it go brown and grainy.

Once all the truffles are coated, return them to the fridge to set for an hour.

They'll keep for a week in an airtight tin. If your kitchen is warm, it's probably best to keep them in the fridge, out of sight, so they can't be scoffed when your back is turned!


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Content © Sarah Rainey

Photos © Clare Winfield, Alex Luck & Al Richardson

Styling © Emma Lahaye, Octavia Squire, Laurie Perry & Sarah Rainey

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