Happy New Year! It's January 8th and I don't know about you but I've already had enough of resolutions, particularly those involving not drinking/avoiding eating the things you want/setting unrealistic diet and exercise goals. So here's a decadent recipe to make this cold, grey time of year a little bit happier.
Half-brownie, half fudgy cake, my gooey chocolate cake is NOT for the health-conscious. Deliciously rich, moist and dense, it’s an indulgent after-dinner treat – and you can serve it hot or cold, with cream, ice cream or fruit on the side.
The recipe uses salted butter, rather than unsalted, which stops it from being too sweet. It’s also gluten-free, as they’re no flour in it – so you can almost pretend it’s good for you.

Serves 8-10
7 medium eggs 250g salted butter 470g good quality dark chocolate (I use Guittard chocolate chips, which are 63% cacao, but any variety or a bar will do)
You’ll also need a 9-inch round cake tin and a large deep baking tray
Preheat the oven to 195C / Fan 175C. Grease and line the sides and base of the cake tin.
Chop up 450g of the chocolate, setting 20g to one side for later. Melt the butter and chocolate together in a Pyrex bowl, either suspended over a saucepan of boiling water on a low heat, or in 20-second bursts in the microwave, stirring in between.
While the chocolate mixture is melting, whisk the eggs until they’re tripled in size. You can do it by hand but an electric whisk is better – it should take around 5 minutes.
Let the chocolate and butter mixture cool slightly. One spoonful at a time, add the whisked eggs to the chocolate mixture and stir gently to combine, using a spatula to wipe down the sides of the bowl. Keep going until all the eggs are used up and the mixture is smooth, thick and glossy.
Pour the batter into the cake tin and set it in the baking tray. Using a just-boiled kettle, fill the tray with an inch of water around the cake tin. This creates a bain marie, which steams the cake as it bakes and ensures it cooks through.
Carefully slide the tray into the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 40 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out mostly clean (you want the cake to be gooey, not dry, so beware of over-baking).
Take it out of the bain marie but leave it in the tin, on a wire rack, to cool completely before carefully removing.

When you’re ready to serve the cake, chop up the remaining chocolate and sprinkle it on top.
It will keep for up to a week in the fridge – but after a few days it tastes best heated up (30-40 seconds in the microwave should do).
#3ingredientbaking #3ingredients #threeingredientbaking #threeingredientcake #chocolatecake #gooeychocolatecake #chocolatesauce #bakingwithchocolate #chocaholic #glutenfreebaking #glutenfreecake #glutenfree #flourlesscake #flourlesschocolatecake #savourypancakes #easycake #easybirthdaycake #birthdaycake