Ok, ok, so there are still a few weeks til Christmas (5 and a bit... or 37 days, to be precise... not that I'm counting) but I couldn't resist posting a recipe for these little festive morsels.
Made from mixed fruit, puff pastry and a spoonful of your favourite jam, they're the speediest Christmas treats around - and are guaranteed to go down a (snow)storm at parties. So why not rustle some up today and stick them in the freezer for festive emergencies?

Makes 18
140g dried mixed fruit
100g apricot jam
1 x 270g roll of puff pastry
Clean and dry an ice cube tray and grease the inside edges with plenty of butter. Unroll the pastry, lay it out horizontally on a floured work surface, and slice it in half vertically. Lay one piece over the top of the ice cube tray and, using the end of a wooden spoon, gently press down into the holes. Make sure it doesn’t break or the filling will ooze out.
Mix the dried fruit and jam together in a bowl and, using a pair of teaspoons, divide the mixture between the holes in the tray. Lay the other sheet of pastry over the top and press down firmly.
Cut off any excess pastry and place the ice cube tray in the freezer for 2 hours.
Carefully remove the entire block from tray and, using a sharp knife, break into bites. Spread these on a baking tray and bake for 25 minutes at 210C/Fan 190C. Dust with icing sugar and, if you want, cinnamon or nutmeg. Serve hot. They’ll keep for 3-4 days in an airtight tin - or you can freeze them for up to 6 weeks.
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